Tipping Point Ahead

It turns out that the way we have been calculating the future impacts of climate change up to now has been missing a really important piece of the picture. It seems we are now dangerously close to the tipping point in the world's climate system; this is the point of no return, after which truly catastrophic changes become inevitable.
- Many translations are now available in addition to this English version with subtitles, with more in the
- Français/French (dubbed)
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- Download the script as a .srt (SubRip subtitles) file, to show subtitles locally or to help produce a new translation: English, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Arabic, Russian, Polish, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese.
- Alternatively you can access the script with time codes as a text document, or as a Google spreadsheet.
- Read the full script with extensive references from peer-reviewed scientific journals, and other links
- The above as a pdf document
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